
Hello I am Mylo the trail dog.

United Kingdom
Hi, I am Mylo, 

This is my first post. I am a nearly 5-year-old dalmatian. My favourite thing in the world is to follow bikes on trails. The muddier the better. You will mostly find me following my two humans. We live near to Nevis range, Fort Willam. I am lucky as My daddy built me a van conversion. I can now go on a lot more holidays. I have travelled all over the UK but I do love Peebles Golfie and Laggan Wolf trax. They are some of my favourite places to chase bikes. Most of the time I beat my humans down the trails though.

I have been a very lucky boy. My sister Millie and I have in the past worked with Ruffwear. I love my RuffWear gear. You will mostly see me in my biking bag. I love it. I can carry my own water and treats. As well as a bike pump and other tools. Where would those humans be without me? 

You will find all my adventures in the tab called MYLO that's me. So come and see what I am up to. I will be uploading my Strava... What good trail dog doesn't have strava You can follow me here

I am also on Instagram @mylo_traildog so there are lots of ways to see what I am up to. 

Right, I better go. Lots of sleep to be doing today. What I have done my miles this week. So cuddle and sleep is what I want to do. 

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